Sandbox Will Create The Snoopverse With Snopp Dogg

Known for its support of NFTs Snoop Dogg, the He creates the Snoopverse, which includes many activities along with the Sandbox.

Sandbox (SAND), one of the largest Metaverse projects, marks the first phase of an auction of 122 regular lands, 67 premium lands, and virtual land quite similar to Snoop Dogg’s real estate. tweeted. The landowners, together with Snoop Dogg, provide many activities within the metaverse. Snoopverse’e will join. The game within the Snoopverse project, which will provide social interaction through concerts and events. NFT can be collected via

Snoopverse Early Access Pass owners, Snoop Dogg Snoop statue and Brown Sugar car They can get priority access to Metaverse products such as

Sandbox’s cheapest plots on the market cost around $12,000.

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