SAND and These 3 Altcoins Present a Historical Opportunity!

The crypto market has been in a bloodbath lately. The leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC) slumps below the $40,000 level, with the majority of its market following it. Investors look for projects that stand out from the market or offer new opportunities in these red-hot time zones. Santiment, which provides data services to crypto investors, shared 3 altcoins along with the metaverse coin The Sandbox (SAND), which it stated to offer a buying opportunity. we too We took a look at the analytics firm’s recommendations.

Projects offering opportunities according to Santiment: 1INCH, SAND, LRC and REN

Santiment claims that the altcoin projects he mentioned in his post are at historical lows and offer an opportunity to buy:

After an ongoing weekend dip, several altcoins have now reached the historic ‘buy the bottom’ zone, according to our MVRV Opportunity and Danger Zone Model. This indicates that average business returns for typical subdomains are in the top 10%

1inch Network (1INCH) says it combines decentralized protocols that enable the most profitable, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi field. 1inch Network’s first protocol, a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources and offers users better odds than any individual exchange. The altcoin is ranked 98th on CoinMarketCap for market cap and is trading at $1.51, down 4.19% on a daily basis at press time.

One of Santimet’s posts is the popular metaverse coin The Sandbox (SAND). Launched by Pixowl in 2011, The Sandbox (SAND) is a blockchain-based virtual world that allows users to create, build, buy and sell digital assets in the form of a game. SAND is ranked #37 on CoinMarketCap and is trading at $3.22 at press time, down 7.54% on a daily basis.


Loopring (LRC) is the Ethereum-based cryptocurrency token of Loopring, an open protocol designed for the creation of decentralized crypto exchanges. Loopring’s purported goal is to combine centralized order matching with order placement on the decentralized Blockchain into a hybridized product that will take the best of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. The altcoin is ranked 74th and is trading at $0.8259, down 7.51% daily at press time.

Ren (REN) aims to expand the interoperability and thus accessibility of decentralized finance (DeFi) by removing liquidity-related barriers between blockchains. The altcoin is ranked 160th and is trading at $0.2935, down 5.85% daily at press time.

We recommend that you do your own research when investing, as the crypto market is very volatile and uncertain. We specifically point out that our news is by no means investment advice.

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