SAND and These 3 Altcoins Investors Should Be Excited!

On Wednesday, February 9, the clothing brand giant Gucci announced that it has purchased virtual land in The Sandbox as part of its metaverse experience. According to popular Youtube analyst Austin Arnold, 3 more altcoin projects announcing the giant news will excite not only SAND investors, but the community…

Gucci – The Sandbox (SAND) collaboration

Arnold discusses the news that Gucci fashion house has purchased virtual property on Ethereum-based metaverse project The Sandbox (SAND) in its latest YouTube video. Gucci’s proposal to open a blockchain-based virtual store is great news that will get Ethereum (ETH) and The Sandbox investors excited, according to the analyst:

This partnership is an important step forward in the metaverse for selling clothing… Gucci doesn’t want to be left behind, but instead wants to be at the forefront of fashion in this new metaverse. Great news for The Sandbox and Ethereum. You can find the details of the cooperation between Gucci and The Sandbox (SAND), which we conveyed as

Algorand (ALGO) transfers Staci Warden to CEO position

Arnold then considers the DeFi-focused altcoin project Algorand (ALGO)’s hiring as CEO of Staci Warden, a JPMorgan and Nasdaq graduate:

This is a big win for the Algorand Foundation… The new CEO of Algorand has extensive expertise in traditional finance… More and more traditional finance professionals are moving to ALGO and from TraFi to Blockchain in particular. If you have Algorand, that’s pretty awesome.

Snoop Dogg – Gala Games (GALA) collaboration

Snoop Dogg’s latest collaboration with Gala (GALA) is also on Arnold’s agenda. The world-famous rap artist will release an “NFT LP” exclusively for Gala Games. The analyst talks about the importance of the collection:

If you are a GALA investor, you should be excited by this news… First of all, this can be used by other Blockchains. So, a great win for Gala Games.

Ethernity (ERN) raises $20 million and launches Ethernal Labs studio

Finally, taking a look at the NFT market, Arnold shares that Ethernity (ERN), an NFT auction platform, has completed an initial funding round of $20 million for NFT and game development at its new studios:

Ethernity has raised a ton of money and built a new studio to bring in more IP (intellectual property) to drop NFTs through Ethernity…

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