Samsung Trolled Apple’s iPad Pro Advertisement

Samsung shared a video trolling Apple’s controversial iPad Pro advertisement. “Creativity cannot be crushed,” the company said in the video. he said.

Apple introduced a new product with M4 chip and OLED screen at an event held last week. iPad Pro had introduced. Following this introduction, a special advertisement for the device was published. However, the ad drew huge backlash around the world. In the advertisement, many products, from record players to pianos, from games to sculptures, are featured. was crushed with a press machine we have seen. Here, the company was drawing attention to both the thinness of the iPad and its ability to do everything.

However, people are concerned about the destruction and destruction of such culturally significant products.disregard for creativity“There was a lot of reaction to the ad for reasons such as. After the reactions, Apple had to apologize for the advertisement and stated that it had given up the decision to broadcast it on television. Samsung, on the other hand, did not miss this opportunity and trolled its rival.

Samsung trolled Apple’s advertisement with this video:

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