Sales Increased in Bitcoin Before This Data from the USA!

The most important economic data of this week will be announced tomorrow. bitcoinEyes on tomorrow and in the markets inflation We see that we have made a sales start to the week while it is translated into data.

What are the Expectations?

US Inflation data will be released on Tuesday, April 12 at 15:30 CEST. Inflation is expected to increase by 1.2% in March. As a result, annual inflation is expected to rise to 8.5%.

In the USA, which is struggling with the highest inflation in the last 40 years, the FED started to increase interest rates last month.

At the last meeting, the interest rate was increased by 0.25 and the interest rates were reduced to the 0.25-50% range. Real yields in the US remain negative given current inflation figures.

50 basis point increase expectation rises

Speaking recently, FED members stated that 0.5 or higher interest rates are needed at once in order to be effective in the fight against inflation.

Inflation data to be announced tomorrow may give a clue for the move the FED will make at the next meeting.

When we look at the current state of expectations about how much interest rate hikes can be made at the next meeting, we see that the expectation for a 50 basis point increase is 82%.

Latest Situation in the Markets

Before the inflation data, we see that Bitcoin and US futures also started the week with sellers.

As of the news, the Dow is trading at -0.18%, the S&P 500 at -0.42%, and the Nasdaq 100 at -0.86%.

Before inflation data, gold is trading at $ 1955 with an increase of 0.5%, while Bitcoin continues to trade at $ 41500.

Now, 16.30 US stock market openings will be followed.

*Not Investment Advice.

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