Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

To the Ukrainian Independence Day has Britain the Eastern European country assured his support in the war against Russia. “I have never doubted that Ukraine will win this fight because no power on earth can conquer the patriotism of 44 million Ukrainians,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a video message released on Wednesday. “However long it takes, the UK will stand by Ukraine and provide whatever military, economic and humanitarian assistance it can.”

Around the door of Johnson’s official residence an arch of sunflowers, the symbol of Ukraine, was installed in Downing Street. The two candidates for the post of prime minister also pledged to continue supporting Ukraine.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss promised in the Telegraph newspaper that the country would have no closer ally than Great Britain. She announced yet release more intelligence on Russian disinformation tactics, “to reveal Putin’s strategy to the world”. Her competitor for the successor to outgoing Prime Minister Johnson, ex-Finance Minister Rishi Sunak, praised the people of Ukraine for their resistance in an open letter. Who will succeed Johnson in Downing Street will be decided on September 5th.

London and Kyiv also started negotiations on a digital trade agreement. The British government said it was intended to support “Ukrainian jobs, livelihoods and families” after the Russian attack exactly six months ago. The agreement aims to remove bureaucratic hurdles for Ukrainian companies

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