Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

After the Russian military attack on Ukraine Malta no longer grants citizenship to Russians and Belarusians via its already controversial “Golden Passport” procedure. The government in Valletta announced on Wednesday that no new applications for people from the two countries will be processed with immediate effect. In the current situation, applications for nationalities – and thus an EU passport – or residence permits could not be carefully checked.

Malta is one of the few EU countries that offer so-called “Golden Passports” to wealthy foreigners who invest money in the respective countries. In the past few days, pressure has been mounting on the government to suspend this system for Russians.

Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo said that none of the Russian oligarchs affected by the EU sanctions have been granted citizenship or residence permits. Many Russian applicants are people fleeing from Vladimir Putin. “The top oligarchs don’t come to Malta,” Bartolo said. “They go where the big boys are, to London or other European capitals.”

Malta is in a legal battle with the EU Commission, which wants to close loopholes through which rich people want to buy access to the European Union. Malta argues that issuing passports is a matter for states.

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