Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

UN Secretary-General António Guterres after 100 days of Russian war of aggression against Ukraine called for an immediate end to the violence. In a statement on Friday (local time), he also emphasized that a solution to the conflict would require negotiations and dialogue. the United Nations would support any such effort. “The sooner the parties make genuine efforts to end this war, the better for Ukraine, Russia and the world,” Guterres wrote. Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, marking 100 days of war on Friday. Fighting is currently concentrated in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine.

Guterres called for unhindered access for humanitarian workers to all those in need. In addition, civilians trapped in combat zones should be evacuated, civilians should be protected and human rights should be respected in line with international norms, Guterres said.

“The conflict has already claimed thousands of lives, caused untold destruction, displaced millions of people, resulted in unacceptable human rights abuses and unleashed a three-dimensional global crisis – food, energy and financial – affecting the most vulnerable people, countries and economies.” , it said in its statement.

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