Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

According to der British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss for years. “We know that Russia has strong forces. We know that Ukrainians are courageous and determined to stand up and fight for their sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the conservative politician told Sky News on Sunday.

The sanctions against Moscow are “very, very tough”, but it will take time for them to take effect and weaken the Russian economy. “I’m afraid it won’t be over quickly, we have to be prepared for a very long distance.”

With regard to the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, Truss also warned that Russia’s President Putin could resort to the “most repulsive means” if the consequences of the war should prove to be the “beginning of the end” of his rule in Russia. “He should be aware that the International Criminal Court is already looking at what is happening in Ukraine,” Truss continued.

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