Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

The factions of the traffic light parties and the Union in the Bundestag want next to further sanctions against Russia and one better equipment of the Bundeswehr also possible solve Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Reports of war crimes by Russia in connection with the invasion of Ukraine should be investigated and “work to punish them internationally,” according to a joint resolution by the parliamentary groups for the special session of the Bundestag on Sunday, at which Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a government statement will give. Further sanctions are to be “continuously” adapted to the situation.

In the debate about a Defense budget increase the draft avoids a reference to the NATO states’ self-commitment to spend two percent of their economic output on security. Instead, it says you should “further advance the modernization of the Bundeswehr with the aim of having a fully equipped and fully operational armed forces, Close existing capability gaps immediately and provide the necessary financial resources for this in a timely and long-term manner”. Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht had previously called for higher defense spending. Scholz and SPD co-boss Lars Klingbeil were open to this, as was Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP).

The factions accuse the Russian leadership of “with this wanton, baseless and inexcusable attack … to destroy the European peace order”. It is a historical caesura. “The international community will stand together resolutely. The Russian leadership will have to pay a high price for this,” the draft reads.

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