Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

In an open letter, Russian scientists and science journalists protest against Putin’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The FAZ had the open letter translated.

For this war there is no reasonable justifications, write the scientists. “Attempts to use the situation in Donbass as a reason to launch a military operation do not inspire any confidence,” they conclude. It is obvious that Ukraine does not pose a threat to Russia’s security. “The war against them is unjustified and obviously pointless.”

In a dramatic speech you also refer to the Common experiences of Ukrainians and Russians in the fight against National Socialism: “Many of us have relatives, friends and colleagues in the field of science in Ukraine. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against National Socialism,” they write in the letter. The unleashing of war over the Russian Federation’s geopolitical ambitions is “a cynical betrayal of its memory.”

Unlike President Putin accordingly, expressly respect Ukrainian statehood“which is based on real, functioning democratic institutions.” They are convinced that existing problems can be solved peacefully.

You also mention dramatic consequences for Russian science: “This means that we scientists will now not be able to deal with our work in the normal way; because scientific research is unthinkable without full cooperation with colleagues from other countries.” Russia’s isolation from the world means further cultural and technological devaluation of Russia, “with a complete lack of positive prospects. The war against Ukraine is a step towards nothing.” They therefore call for the immediate cessation of all military actions directed against Ukraine.

More than 380 scientists signed the letter within 24 hours. It was also published on the Internet.

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