Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

Ukraine reports minor land gains in parts of eastern Donbass. “Overall, we are holding our positions,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his evening video address. “There are also some front sections where we are making some advances.” The information can not be independently verifieda Russian statement is not available.

Selenski is also announcing one for the coming year further strengthening of the air defenses on. “In the new year, Ukrainian air defense will become even stronger, even more effective,” he said. As a result, Ukraine’s air defense could become the strongest in all of Europe. “This will be a security guarantee not only for our country but for the entire continent.”

In the past few weeks, the Ukrainian armed forces’ air defense system has suffered from large-scale Russian attacks with cruise missiles, rockets and so-called kamikaze drones relatively high number of kills reached. Given the mass of incoming projectiles, not all missiles could be repelled

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