Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

Sees ten months after the start of his war against Ukraine Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin Russia on the right course despite growing tensions with the West. “I think we are moving in the right direction, we are protecting our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people,” said the 70-year-old in a brief interview published by Russian state television on Sunday.

In it, the President again stressed that Russia is ready to negotiate a solution to the conflict over Ukraine. “We stand ready to agree on any acceptable solutions with all those involved in the process. But that’s their business. We don’t reject negotiations, they do,” Putin said. He had started the war ten months ago on February 24th.

On the other hand, the USA, other Western countries and above all Ukraine accuse Russia of not wanting to negotiate seriously. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly said that he wants to decide the war on the battlefield. Negotiations can only take place if Russia withdraws its troops from Ukraine.

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