Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

After almost eight years as Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andre Melnyk left for Kyiv on Saturday, where he is to take up a new post in the Foreign Ministry. His successor Oleksii Makeiev is expected in Berlin on Monday.

The 47-year-old Melnyk became ambassador to Germany in January 2015 and signed a for a diplomat unusually harsh course against the German state leadership made a name. “Now when I come home, It fills me with pride that many weapon systems were delivered from Germanywho are helping us to liberate the occupied territories and our compatriots step by step.” But Melnyk also emphasized that more had to be delivered “in order to expel the Russians”.

The outgoing ambassador should now likely to become deputy foreign minister, a post he had once before. However, the government has not yet made a final decision on this. “That’s why I’m excited about what’s in store for me. I’ll probably see President Zelensky on Tuesday. And then hopefully he will tell me personally where he sees me in his big team,” Melnyk told dpa.

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