Russia’s Out of Control Rocket Drops to Earth

The part of the Russian rocket Angara A5, launched on December 27, named Persei, fell to Earth after 9 days in orbit as a result of engine failure. It was reported that the rocket, which is unknown where and when it will land, fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia will launch one of the country’s new heavy-load launchers on December 27, 2021. Angara A5 He launched his rocket, named for the test flight. Launched from the Plesetsk Space Base in the northwest of Russia, the rocket included a model satellite with it. Shortly after the rocket was launched, the rocket’s engine failed.

your rocket of Persei, the upper echelon Persei was stranded in low orbit as a result of his engine failing. This part of the rocket, which was stranded in low orbit on December 27, was expected to crash into the Earth today. The worst part was that it was not known when or where the rocket fragment would land. Persei crashed to Earth in the past few hours.

Most of the rocket was destroyed by fire.

Astronomer Jonathan McDowell, who has been following the piece of the Russian rocket that went out of control for a while, at around 00.08 at night Confirmed re-entry explained. Most of Persei, which entered the atmosphere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was formed with its entry into the atmosphere. It burned to death due to the heat.


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According to various sources, the remains of the 4-ton rocket fragment small pieces fell to the south of the Pacific Ocean. Where and when the rocket fragment will fall cannot be predicted with certainty, but some experts say. They stated that the piece would likely fall into the Pacific Ocean. Fortunately, the rocket did not land on land, as expected, but in the ocean.

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