Russian Banks Association Wants to Ban Crypto Wallet Apps

The Russian Banks Association, which includes more than 300 Russian banks and financial institutions, wanted cryptocurrencies excluded from centralized exchanges to be criminalized.

According to the news of Russia’s local news agency Izvestia on April 18, crypto wallet applications are held in crypto wallets except for central exchanges. Calls on lawmakers to criminalize digital currencies found.

According to the news, the fact that crypto wallets are not used outside of individual control allows the person to be “his own bank” and this situation Russian banks don’t like it.

Anatoly Kozlachkov, Chairman of the Russian Banks Association, said in a statement on the subject:

Such wallets are used by debtors and criminals knowing that they are difficult to obtain.


Banks association working with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in case cryptocurrencies are stored in wallets punishment procedure aims to implement. In addition, the association said that the authorized institutions should also be penalized.

The Banks Association used to be During discussions about cryptocurrency regulations with Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange cooperation had done.

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