Russia used TikTok video for Ukraine attack

recorded in Kiev, Ukraine. TikTok videoprovided intelligence to Russian soldiers. The Ukrainian citizen who recorded the TikTok video was arrested after Russia bombed the Ukrainian soldiers around the shopping mall.

Ukraine Security Service According to the statement made by the company, the video on social media created a critical deficit for Ukraine. government agency, recently bomb attack on Kiev He blamed the TikTok video and the person who shot it.

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TikTok crisis between Russia and Ukraine

lasting for about a month In the Russia-Ukraine war Social media has an undeniable support. Large platforms, which are usually used to help the Ukrainian people, were turned into opportunities by the Russian soldiers this time. Russia threw bombs looking at TikTok video learned.

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Recently russian armyattacked a shopping mall in the city of Kyiv. In the attack in which 8 people lost their lives, some vehicles belonging to the Ukrainian army were damaged and the shopping center became unusable.

Artemev Pavel Alexandrevich It was determined that the TikTok video taken by a Ukrainian citizen named gave intelligence to the attack. The Ukrainian Security Service, which was investigating the attack, found that Alexandrevich went to the area and took a video some time before the bombing. In this video shared on TikTok, around the mall Military vehicles of the Ukrainian army shown.

Ukraine Security Serviceshared an informational message after the attack, in which the shopping center was destroyed and 8 people lost their lives. In the statement from the state agency, it was emphasized that Alexandrevich’s video should be cited as an example, and that it is necessary to be careful when sharing on platforms such as TikTok.

It’s unclear exactly when Alexandrevich shared the video on TikTok. However, according to information from the Russian news agency The bombing of the shopping mall on February 24 took place.

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