Russia May Earn $13 Billion From Cryptocurrency Taxes Each Year

According to the calculation made by Russian researchers, Russia could earn 1 trillion rubles (about 13 million dollars) from cryptocurrency taxes every year.

Local Russian newspaper The Bell claims they have achieved the tax grades the government is considering. Along with over-the-counter (OTC) transactions, approximately 10 million Russia citizens own cryptocurrencies and that these investors in total $214 billion existence is stated.

According to the data of the analytics group in the news, if the government imposes a 6% tax on cryptocurrency exchanges as a base, annually 90 to 180 billion ruble (about $2.4 billion) It is thought to generate income. In addition, the analytical firm is about crypto money investors in Russia. 8 billion He says he can earn dollars.

According to information, Russian citizens $200 billion crypto Given its existence, the Russian government will deduct from those taxes if it imposes a 6% tax on crypto. 12 billion dollars will make a profit.

It was stated in the news that the data was obtained by calculating only a simple taxation rate. The government is expected to make the taxation system more comprehensive.

In addition, these sages reveal that Russia covers about 10% of the total cryptocurrency markets.

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