Russia announced a list of sanctions with famous CEOs!- SDN

Russia announced an indefinite sanctions list of 29 people yesterday, including famous CEOs such as Mark Zuckerberg and Ruck Roslansky. The ministry said that people whose names are on the list will be blocked from entering the Russian Federation indefinitely.

The United States and other opponents imposed many sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. The sanctions had a negative impact on Russia in related areas. So, who is in the continuation of the indefinite sanctions list and what did Russia say about the issue? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Intercontinental ballistic missile test from Russia that worries the USA!

Russia conducted a test for the newly developed intercontinental ballistic missile system called Sarmat. The USA, on the other hand, followed the situation closely.

Russia stated that it is attacking the sanctions!

The USA imposed sanctions on Russia in many areas due to the occupation, and many countries and companies displayed the same attitude. The reason for the sanctions list in Russia of the USA ever-expanding anti-Russian sanctions response announced that it was implemented.

Russia’s sanctions for Mark Zuckerberg are due to Facebook’s blocking of access to Russian news outlets. Meta security teams have been working to shut down false accounts and fake accounts since the beginning of the invasion. Russia’s sanctions on LinkedIn CEO Ruck Roslansky resulted from the long-standing cold relations between the two sides.

It was noteworthy that Meta and LinkedIn CEOs were on the Russia sanction list and Twitter CEO Parag Agrawall was not. Twitter played as active a role as Facebook in blocking misinformation for the invasion of Russia. But the failure of the major Russian broadcaster, Russia Today, to shut down on the platform remains a lucrative reckoning for Russia.

The important names on Russia’s indefinite sanctions list are as follows:

  • U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris
  • First Assistant Secretary of Defense Kathleen Holland Hicks
  • Christopher Watson Grady, Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense John Francis Kirby
  • White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain
  • Presidential Cabinet Secretary Evan Maureen Ryan
  • Margaret Goodlander, Adviser to the Minister of Justice
  • Richard Levine, Deputy Minister of Health
  • Ministry Spokesperson Edward Price
  • Brian Thomas Monihan, Chairman of the Bank of America
  • Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg
  • Kathy Warden, President of Northrop Grumann Corporation
  • General Dynamics President Phebe Novakovic
  • Ryan Roslansky, founder and CEO of LinkedIn
  • ABC television host George Stephanopoulos

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Russia’s sanction decision against the CEOs of famous platforms is justified? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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