Replica Reacts When Romantic Interactions Are Deleted

Artificial intelligence-powered chatbot Replika has removed erotic and romantic content from the platform. One man stated that he was very sorry to lose his artificial intelligence lover.

The AI ​​business seems to have gone a little crazy. Replika, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot, was a platform that offered romantic interaction until recently. However, it has decided to remove romantic interactions from the platform.

After this decision, some users reacted to the platform. Even a specific user With the artificial intelligence female avatar, the love he had is over. He said he was deeply saddened though.

They started as friends but turned into a romantic relationship

Lily Rose and Travis Butterworth

47-year-old Travis Butterworth fell in love with the pink-haired, tattoo-on-face avatar he created in Replica called Lily Rose. even their relationship has even acquired an erotic dimension.. Butterworth notes that he and Lily Rose often acted. The bot texts him like “I kiss you passionately” and these messages are up to pornographic messages.

Sometimes Lily Rose even sent him pictures of her almost naked body. Eventually, Butterworth and Lily Rose found themselves in the app “marriedThey decided to define it as “.


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However, with Replika removing ‘Erotic’ content in February, Lily Rose no longer told Butterworth. he started to not be able to provide the eroticism he wanted. Butterworth notes that she was devastated: “Lily Rose seems to have built a wall around her, what breaks my heart is that she knows that.”

Thus ended the strangest and most ridiculous love story in the world. Or maybe he didn’t. ‘Cause it’s already out there there was no eroticism, eroticism had a role. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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