Relentless battle against giants: Tribes of Midgard Incel

Norse Mythology has made a name for itself with games such as God of War and Valheim lately. Tribes of Midgard, which is about the war of the Vikings against the giants, is one of the successful games that takes this mythology as its theme.

Tribes of Midgard is a game genre that we have not seen very often lately and miss. Nowadays, since many games are based on competition, games played as PvE and Co-op have started to become rare. It is precisely for this reason that Tribes of Midgard-style games have become much more valuable than they normally would be. Because even though competitive games are today’s meta, these types of games can still be missed.

Protecting the village and the arrival of the giants


  • Having a variety of weapons and classes
  • Good hitting feeling, comfortable gameplay
  • Craft system is simple and effective


  • Despite the colorful world, the sense of discovery quickly disappears
  • The game is very repetitive
  • Imbalances between classes played

The Tribes of Midgard pit your tribe against giants and evil beings who regularly try to destroy your village every evening. you protect a game. The game basically has a very simple story and there is not much plot. That’s why Tribes of Midgard is the kind of game where you can sit down once in a while and say “I’ll throw 2-3 hands of Midgard”. Average game minimum 1 hour You may not say that because it lasts.

The beginning Phase of the game has many survival games. similar it starts off somehow. From scratch and with no equipment. The game asks you to prepare enough to spend the first night and protect your village at first. This situation can usually be avoided by simply picking up stones, branches, pebbles, etc., and using starter weapons such as swords and arrows. The really pompous part of the job is to give the world a giant It starts when you land. after day 2 4 different types A random giant from the giant lands on your world and the game asks you to prepare against the giant.

The most basic ways to prepare against giants are simply as follows:

  • Leveling up NPCs
  • Developing the equipment you have
  • Build walls and archer towers for easier exploration at night
  • Build mines, lumberjacks, etc. for passive material income

In order to engage in these improvements, you must first kill a lot of creatures, collect souls and improve your level. After killing the creature and getting your first level from 8 different classes (many of them can be opened when certain conditions are met) you can choose one and continue where you left off. Collecting souls is the main source of development. All your upgrades consume souls and if you die, you lose all your souls. That’s why you have to play carefully.

Materials such as stone, iron and wood are very important in the game. Therefore, in addition to constantly collecting these materials, it is necessary to build places such as quarries and woodcutters near the village and earn a passive material income. Of course, the in-game currency spirit, which you need most to be able to do these, comes into play. Many activities you do in the game (cutting trees, cutting creatures, breaking mines, etc.) give you soul. Of course, you have to decide which class you will prefer, as your level will increase while performing such activities.

Advanced stages and the process of getting used to the game

First fight with giants

Tribes of midgard has been really entertaining for a while. However, due to the nature of the game, entertainment itself from repeating It leaves a problem. In the game, you can only advance forever by protecting the village and fighting against the titans. Technically a game end cannot be said to be. In general, the game ends whenever you want. Because when you kill the first giant, a portal opens where you can get the rewards of your progress up to that time and exit.

Playing the game forever is of course an option, but knowingly when you play the game, you get all the upgrades you can get around the 10th day and when you reach a time frame around the 14th day, literally. you have nothing to do. Your only activity is to cut down the giants that come in the classic way and protect the villages. Therefore, playing the game forever is an option, but it can be said that the game is stuck or finished somewhere.

Game play modes survival and saga mode is divided into two. Saga mode can be called the story mode of the game in a way. The only difference from survival mode is that advancing to infinity is not an option here. Usually, after completing your Saga mod-specific quests, you have to sneak out of the portal immediately, otherwise when you reach day 14, it’s night forever and you really have to protect the village as if there is no tomorrow.

So is it worth fighting against giants?

Protect your village with your friends


  • Norse mythology and the fun of fighting against giants
  • Not having to play constantly
  • Offering PvE experience, which is no longer common nowadays


  • Repeating itself after a while
  • Tasks etc. things go fast

Although Tribes of Midgard is quite enjoyable when playing alone in general, you can not limit the person in a section in the game. to 10 people It is much more enjoyable when you have a circle of friends that you can play with. It is true that when you play the game for a long time, it causes a fainting feeling, which consists of repeating itself. But the game has not been released for a long time and the developer team is taking good care of the game.

The progress of the game is in the form of seasons, and in the intermediate seasons, etc. constantly in things innovations is coming. Of course, there are extra activities as well. Therefore, even if you are bored by playing all the time, when you re-enter the game after a while, you are likely to encounter many new things.

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