Record ‘favorite’ penalty from EU to Google!

Sweden-based price comparison service PriceRunnerafter a European court ruled it violated EU antitrust laws to google 2.1 billion euros (2.4 billion dollars) announced that he had filed a lawsuit.

Last November, the European Union General Court upheld its decision to fine Google a record 2.42 billion euros ($2.8 billion) for preferring its comparison shopping services over its competitors. Now, a new accusation has come to Google from price comparison service PriceRunner, with the allegation of “favoring its own service”.

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$2.4 billion lawsuit against Google for choosing its own service

PriceRunner claimed that it believes Google has a “monopoly-like position” in Europe and is still not complying with the EU Commission’s decision and is “abusing its dominant position”. As such, he stated that the traffic and profits are diverted from him and other shopping services, that the offers he offers are higher than other services and that it harms consumers.

Mikael Lindahl, CEO of PriceRunner Regarding its lawsuit against Google, it expects the final compensation to be much higher than $2.4 billion due to the continued violation and the increasing amount of compensation.

CEO Mikael Lindahl said, “We seek compensation for the damage Google has done to us over many years, but we see this case as a fight for consumers who have been greatly harmed by Google’s violation of competition law for the past fourteen years and still.” said.

Google lost its first appeal against the EU fine, but last month “we think there are areas that require legal clarification from the European Court of Justice.” he started a new one.

What do you think about this lawsuit between Google and PriceRunner? You can share your views with us in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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