Recent Purchase of 14 New Ethereum (ETH) Wallets Has Received Huge Reaction!

The popularity of NFTs in the cryptocurrency industry has peaked again recently.

Especially Bored Ape Yacht ClubAll eyes were turned here after the Meebits and CryptoPunks team’s acquisition, which was recently announced by .

However, the data obtained now indicate that some internal reckoning may have turned before this purchase.

Suspicious Movements Before Buying Meebits

14 new Ethereum wallet addresses with no previous NFT buying or selling history made purchases from the Meebits collection from March 5 to March 11.

These purchases appear to have been made just before Yuga Labs made the purchase.

Transactions refer to insider trading, that is, trading with insider trading. Since NFTs and cryptocurrencies are not yet fully regulated, this normally criminal activity is ignored.

Looking at the information revealed by Wu Blockchain and PeckShield, it is seen that a serious profit has been made from these NFT purchases.

It is not known who or who received this leaked information about the Meebits collection, which gained a serious rise, especially after the announcement of the purchase.

However, if the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) considers NFTs to be securities, it may conduct a retrospective investigation.

In previous years, many ICOs have experienced exactly this situation, and investigation after investigation, lawsuit after lawsuit.

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