Reason for Investigation Opened to Second Hand Car Sites

There has been a new development regarding the investigation into, Vava Cars, Letgo and Araba Sepeti. The allegations about why the investigation was opened came to the fore for the first time.

In a news we shared with you yesterday, four second-hand vehicle sales platforms serving in Turkey are under investigation. we talked about. In the statement of the Competition Authority,, Vava Cars, Letgo and Araba Sepeti are in compliance with the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition. Article 4 that they may have violated. This article stated that companies were forbidden to act in cooperation.

Now, there has been a new development on this subject. According to the news of Sabah Newspaper of the investigation the reason is obvious it happened. Allegedly, companies played on Google ads by making a gentleman’s agreement and contractually top to the queues outputs. With this allegation coming to the fore, the Competition Authority launched an investigation.

It will also be examined whether the citizen is harmed.

According to the information obtained, the four companies investigated, key words they advertised by choosing jointly and managed to rank high on other platforms without competing with each other. The Competition Authority will investigate how this affects citizens who drive. If it is understood that the citizen has made a loss, all four companies big penalties will be given looks like.

Further details in the Competition Authority’s investigation into, Vava Cars, Letgo and Araba Sepeti Unknown. However, if there is a new development on the subject, we will continue to inform you.


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