Rear-Drive Tesla Model Ys Started to Be Delivered

Tesla Turkey has started to deliver the rear-wheel drive Model Y model, which is much more affordable since it is in the 10% Special Consumption Tax bracket.

Tesla, the world’s most popular electric car brand, came out with bombshell news to electric car enthusiasts in Turkey in April, and introduced affordable car models thanks to its entry into the 10% Special Consumption Tax (SCT) bracket. Model Y RWDHe offered for sale. However, it was stated that the deliveries of this affordable model will start in June.

According to the post made by Emir Tunçyürek, Tesla Türkiye has started deliveries of affordable Teslas as of today. “Tesla special for TurkeyModel Y RWD, which was the subject of news as “, started to reach its new owners in Ankara and Istanbul.

Only 10 Tesla Model Y units were sold in May

It is important that the affordable Tesla Model Y has finally started to be delivered. Since the affordable Model Y was put on sale, interest in the Model Y, which is currently on sale, has fallen to almost zero, and according to ODMD, in May Only 10 Tesla Model Ys were delivered.

Rear-wheel drive Model Y can currently be purchased for approximately 1.8 million TL. The price of the Long Range version that was previously on sale is 3 million TLIt has exceeded . When July comes, ODMD will announce June sales data and we will be able to see the 10-day impact of the affordable Model Y on Tesla Turkey’s sales.

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