Reactions to Elon Musk’s Twitter Purchase

Elon Musk and Twitter have agreed that the platform will be Musk’s with a $44 billion deal. After the official announcement, the #ElonMuskBuyTwitter hashtag on social media took over Twitter.

Elon Musk, one of the most active users of the platform, who has managed to become an event with every tweet he has sent for years, has been around for about a month. Twitter acquisition news was on the agenda. As the first step, Musk bought a huge share to be the biggest partner of the platform, and then announced his main intention; Buying Twitter.

The first steps from the Twitter front after this statement, which suddenly created a ‘bomb’ effect on the agenda It was commented that they were not very friendly towards the purchase.. However, after Musk’s offer of approximately $44 billion and the steps he took in this direction, Twitter announced that it accepted the offer today. Ultimately, Twitter officially became Elon Musk’s for $44 billion.

#ElonMuskBuyTwitter hashtag has taken over

After this great development, the number one agenda item on Twitter was #ElonMuskBuyTwitter hashtag. Thousands of tweets While some users expressed their excitement and some concerns about the subject; some users were in the humor of the job.

The fact that Elon Musk is the new owner of Twitter is mostly spoken about ‘freedom of expression’ and innovations that will come to the platform. In fact, as soon as the decision was announced, everyone turned their eyes to Donald Trump. As you know, Trump has been banned from social media platforms for a long time due to his tweets, and it was said that this step of Musk would return him to Twitter. However, Trump said in a statement that he would not return to Twitter.

Musk has shared a wealth of information on Twitter over the past month about the innovations he wants to make, and the vast majority of his plans are ‘real’ Twitter users points to the kind of improvements that will please. But of course, there are those who think that this step of Musk is not wise.

For example, the former CEO of Reddit, with a statement that Musk He doesn’t have a very good understanding of today’s internet culture. and for this reason, he stated that he would have trouble creating the ‘freedom of expression’ area he wanted. We will see the accuracy of such comments only when Twitter’s purchases are completed and the ropes are completely in Musk’s hands. Now let’s see what the Twitter audience has to say about this issue.

Reactions to Musk’s take on Twitter

-You were buying ‘Twitter’…
+ Amazon is next
-Come on from there…
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