Reactions from Social Media to 18% VAT from Foods

Pet owners and animal lovers reacted to the 18% VAT rate on cat and dog foods after the dollar’s rise. A social media campaign was launched in order to prevent the sudden increase of tens of lira in food products.

The level that the dollar reached last month and the fact that it is still climbing higher, albeit slowly, has affected the needs of pets as well as everything else. The sudden increase in food prices by tens of liras reacted to both pet owners and animal lovers in general.

The VAT rate on cat and dog food is currently 18%. In addition, the VAT rate on the food of animals such as fish and birds is 1%. However, food was a necessity, like many things that increased due to the dollar exchange rate. Therefore, in the past few days, reactions have started to come about this issue on social media and the situation has grown.

VAT on the food source of domestic and street animals is 18%

Cat and dog food is a basic need not only for pet cats and dogs, but also for street animals. Most of the people in Turkey have been feeding stray animals themselves for years, even since the Ottoman period, and there is a culture for this in the country.


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The fact that people who do not have the chance to hunt on the street and who feed the animals in need of food faced such a huge price increase, brought reactions to the increase. Besides hashtags launched from Twitter and Instagram, there is also a on A signature campaign was launched. We have compiled some of these reactions for you.

Reactions from social media to 18% VAT on cat and dog food:

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

remove kfv in foods

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