Reaction to Price Analysis from a Pro-XRP Lawyer: “You Are Following the Wrong Model!”

XRP Pro-government lawyer Bill Morgan recently shared a prediction questioning the future of existence in his posts.

Bill MorganAccording to , the XRP price has a very weak outlook in the short term. Referring to Moon Lambo’s long-term forecast, lawyer Moon stated that these developments should be evaluated in a one-month context.

As we reported as, although XRP constantly lost value in BTC parity throughout November, it managed to relatively maintain its value in dollar terms.

Morgan also emphasized that he was concerned about the reaction to his observations, emphasizing that not everyone who believes in the potential of XRP is a long-term investor. He urged the community to consider the weak response to positive legal rulings, suggesting that factors beyond the litigation contributed to the altcoin’s lackluster performance.

The lawyer analyzed the performance of the price since 2018 and drew attention to the decline in BTC and ETH parity. Arguing that the reason for this decline cannot be explained only by the SEC case, Morgan cited the 78% rise last year as an example. According to the lawyer, it is very important to examine the price performance by dividing it into periods. After all, the asset shows a performance depending on the data in the cryptocurrency market. In this context, although the downward trend is more dominant in the short term, focusing on long-term benefits should still be a priority.

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