Reacting to the Ricky Gervais Show on Netflix

Ricky Gervais, who appeared with a new stand-up show on Netflix, drew a great reaction on social media because of what he said about transgender people in the show. The show also reintroduced the David Chappelle show, which Netflix suffered.

Comedian Ricky Gervais, who gained worldwide fame for his dark humor, is in the new Netflix release. Ricky Gervais: SuperNature He became a hot topic on social media with his stand-up show. The thing that brought Gervais to the agenda was his jokes, as always, about a certain group.

Early in his program, Gervais addressed one of the most sensitive topics of discussion today. transgender people and community makes jokes about it. Gervais’s jokes were highly predictable, drawing the backlash from transgender people and supporters of the show. Some of Gervais’ words at the beginning of the program were as follows:

This time, Gervais talked about transgender people:

“O women! I’m talking about the old-fashioned ones, not all women. Old-fashioned women, those with wombs. Those damn dinosaurs. I love new women. They’re amazing, aren’t they? What’s new we’ve seen recently. Those with beards and penises. They’re as good as gold, I love them. Now the old-fashioned are saying, ‘They want to use our toilets’. Why shouldn’t they use your toilets? For women! They’re women, look at their pronouns! What doesn’t make this person a woman? His penis! His penis, you bigot! ‘What if he rapes me?’…’

Gervais’ words that were just the beginning with the words above continued throughout the show. As soon as the show aired, Gervais said in his words. Reaction poured in from social media. Some of the reactions to Gervais were as follows:

ricky gervais

“Ricky Gervais has a new stand-up show on Netflix today. Five minutes later, he is making jokes about trans women attacking and raping people in public restrooms. To him, we exist only as a punch, a threat, something less than human.”

ricky gervais

“Ricky Gervais is a disgrace, he will cause a hate crime and ultimately the death of Trans people. Anyone who needs to vilify minorities in order to laugh is the worst, hateful soul and needs some serious mental help.”

ricky gervais

“If you’re a comedian and support trans people, it’s your responsibility to oppose Dave Chapelle and the new ricky gervais special. At this point, you can’t call yourself an ally if you don’t take a public stand against it.”

ricky gervais

“Ricky Gervais could go after governments, banks, billionaires. The ones who are really hurting ordinary people around the world every day on an unimaginable scale. But he goes after trans people instead. Yes Ricky, boy, you are speaking the truth against power. Coward.”


Comedian Dave Chappelle Attacked During Show [Video]

Netflix last year David Chappelle’s special stand-up show It also caused controversy after the release of “The Closer”. When this show aired, transphobic discussions flared up, and some Netflix employees began to resign from their jobs.

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