“Quarter Life Crisis” Between the Ages 25-30

The state of inner turmoil, uncertainty and anxiety seen in people aged 25-30 is defined as a quarter-life crisis. So what are the causes and symptoms of the crisis that afflicted people so much in the prime of their youth? How can this problem be overcome? Let’s examine it together.

Usually in your 20’s or 30’s best times in one’s life is thought to be. Because people in this age range are generally healthy, have minimal responsibilities, and are capable of exploring opportunities in both their professional and private lives. So, according to popular belief, these people are never afraid to take risks.

However, according to a study; some people this age It turned out that they were caught in a crisis that could affect their lives. We have researched for you what are the symptoms of the quarter age crisis, where you can say ‘I have this too’ while reading, and what should be done to get rid of this crisis.

What is the meaning of life? Am I going to spend the rest of my life working at this job, doing this?

Do you ever ask yourself such questions? In the morning, in the evening, at home or at school, when you are spending time with your friends and family, suddenly there is silence. Your body is there, but your soul, your mind is not there. If you suddenly fall into a void and come to your mind with questions similar to the ones we wrote above; mid 20s to early 30s depressing and depressing You may have entered the period.

It is more common in people who have just graduated from university and do not know what they can do.

quarter life crisis

Because after spending some time in the “real world”, whether in their careers, personal or social lives, they they may start to feel lost.

According to experts, it is very difficult to make a clear definition and adhere to certain reasons in such psychological events. Because every person leads different lives and can experience this crisis at different ages. So there is no universal symptoms or one-size-fits-all diagnosis for a quarter life crisis. However main symptoms are:

  • Not being able to enjoy anything done, not be happy. Everything makes no sense.
  • Feeling of inadequacy.
  • Fear of failure.
  • The feeling of getting old.
  • Having trouble making a decision. Not knowing what to do.
  • Loss of motivation, especially for things that are loved.
  • Feeling more tired and stressed than usual.
  • Fear of making change.
  • Decreased self-confidence and self-confidence.

The causes of the quarter life crisis are as important as the symptoms for its treatment.

quarter life crisis

The main reasons are:

  • Quit job. Problems such as salary and colleagues at work.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Separation with a friend or lover.
  • Moving to a new place, getting a new job.
  • Financial insecurity or instability.
  • It can be graduating from college with no plans for the next step.

Although the word ‘crisis’ may sound scary, if you realize what is happening and what you are going through, you can easily get through it.

quarter life crisis

First of all, what we will write from here it’s just a recommendation and the clearest solution for such situations getting help from a professional.

People often panic in a crisis. For example; A person whose job does not go the way he wants, but who can get better at that job, may resign instead of continuing. Someone whose relationship has gone bad may end the relationship at the slightest problem instead of trying to fix it. So the problem instantly resolve whether…or.

However, the result of radical changes in life can cause bigger problems. So before making any changes keep calm and how this situation came to be should be reviewed.

There are times when you have to stop to understand the cause of your unhappiness and inner boredom.


These times allow you to become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. To do this a you can map.

Ask yourself how you feel. Identify what brought you to this state. “What are your dreams, goals?”, “What are you doing to make this happen?” You can redraw your own roadmap with questions like this.

Don’t be afraid to go back to the beginning.

As we wrote above, review how you got into this situation. While doing this, the same feelings may surround your body and mind again, but You can’t overcome this without going over your fears.

You can get through this process by leaving aside your judgments about yourself and your environment. Although there are people around you who support you and are with you, one of the first things you need to do to overcome this situation is. is to love yourself. Try breaking your judgments against yourself.

Because of what you’ve been through when you look back on your past yourself, your family or don’t blame your environment. Because very few people know exactly what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they are young. So accept yourself as you are and be kind to yourself and those around you.

Instead of thinking about when this situation will end, focus on yourself.

quarter life crisis

No one can give a clear answer as to when you will get over the quarter life crisis. So this process is quite it is frustrating. Instead of constantly thinking about when you will get out of this bad situation, calmly focus on what you want to do.

Stop at certain time intervals and see what you’re doing. You may not remember every day, but writing a diaryYou can easily track where you came from and your progress by taking notes. This will allow you to focus on your goal and thus feel better.

quarter life crisis

You may be thinking that it is not possible to get out of this crisis right now. You may not be able to see your way, but remember that every night has a morning and every winter has a spring.

As we said above, what we wrote is just advice. In order to overcome such crises, getting help from an expert will help you get the most accurate and clear solutions.

Resources: Forbes, Mindbodygreen


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