Project that will reduce the distance between Istanbul and Antalya to 4 hours and 45 minutes

The railway project that will expand Antalya’s transportation network has been on the agenda since the Ottoman period, but was not implemented. Minister of Transport Abdulkadir Uraloğlu announced that the project will be realized, which will provide a great advantage to the citizens.

A project to be established in Antalya railway project It has been on the agenda for a long time but has never been implemented. In fact, a law was even passed for its construction in 1933. Today, there has been a very important development in this regard.

The project that will bring railway transportation to Antalya will be implemented announced. The project, announced by Minister of Transport Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, will provide great advantages to citizens while expanding the city’s network.

The time between Istanbul and Antalya will be reduced to 4 hours and 45 minutes.

According to the statements, there is a new connection between Antalya and Eskişehir. fast train line will be built. In this way, between Istanbul and Antalya 4 hours 45 minutes can fall as low as . This line will connect Antalya to Eskişehir, Ankara and Istanbul and Izmir train lines under construction will be a part of it. With the completion of the entire project, the distance between Istanbul and Antalya will be reduced.

Uraloğlu also included projects developed to connect Antalya to the high-speed railway network. According to this 425 kilometers Eskişehir-Kütahya-Afyonkarahisar-Isparta/Burdur-Antalya And 541 kilometers Kayseri-Aksaray-Konya-Seydişehir-Antalya Railway projects suitable for 200 km/h speed were planned in the sections and survey project studies were completed in all sections.


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The history of the Antalya railway project dates back to the Ottoman period. The most important step for the project was taken with the law and appropriation in 1933. Although the section up to Burdur was completed, it was left unfinished due to the war.

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