Prices Haven’t Changed After VAT Reduction: Reactions Grow

With the VAT reduction, a 14 percent reduction in the prices of basic food products was expected, but the situation was not as expected. According to the shares made on social media, many chain markets made a small discount on the prices first and then a small amount.

It was announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that the VAT rate on basic food products was reduced from 8 percent to 1 percent. After this discount on basic food products, it is planned to make more discounts in 3 sectors. With this VAT reduction, which covers cheese, olives, eggs, tea, meat and other basic food products, the total reduction in product prices was expected to reach 14 percent. However, the situation did not turn out as expected.

Consumers, who saw the prices in chain markets, could not see a reduction in prices. Despite the VAT discount on the receipts shared by many people on social media, it was seen that the prices of the products were the same. The fact that the prices remained the same in many of the chain markets received a great reaction on social media.

‘overlay’ before discount

The incident started when a user on Twitter shared the receipt of today’s purchase with the cheese purchase he made from Şok Market a week ago. in the plug very clearly VAT decreased from 8 percent to 1 percent, but the price of cheese still 18.50 TL it seemed to be. Consumers who experienced similar situations after sharing also showed their reactions.

Following the statement made by President Erdoğan, a statement was made that price updates were made in Migros, Şok, BİM, A101 and many other chain markets. It seems that in order for the prices to remain at their old prices, first ‘overlay’ Afterwards, some discounts were made under the name of VAT discount, but the prices were same as previous price left.


Sad Statement About VAT Reduction: “It Will Not Have Even 1 Percent Effect on Inflation”

The effect of VAT reduction on inflation is 0.71%

inflation vat discount

Alaattin Aktaş, a columnist for Dünya newspaper, recently stated that the VAT reduction is related to inflation in his article. 0.71 points He said it had an effect. On the other hand, Aktaş believes that inflation in food products 25.32% He stated that the VAT reduction will not have an effect on the discount in the label prices of the products, as expected. Discount on food products after VAT reduction 3 percent was expected to be a little over the top. When this is the case and inflation is so high, it is not surprising that the prices we see in chain stores do not have a big discount.

Here is that tweet and the reactions that followed:

VAT discount

VAT discount

VAT discount

vat discount twitter


twitter vat discount


sock market

Some users defended their neighborhood grocers in the face of this situation:

neighborhood grocer

grocery vat discount

source site-35