Price Change of Products We Have Recently Bought (It hurts)

As the Webtekno team, we selected some of the products we purchased recently and compared their current and current prices. The result reveals how much the prices have changed in a very short time.

Purchasing power, which has been on the decline for a long time in Turkey, has finally become much more evident with the high increase in the exchange rate in a short time and the increase in inflation. So much so that the price of many products can be changed in just 1 week. increased by at least 50%. Fuel prices rose, supply problems began, and markets began to sell certain products, such as oil and sugar, per capita.

Today, many media organizations continue to make headlines such as ‘crashed’ when the dollar fell by 10 cents, while the ‘decrease in per capita income’, which was experienced for the first time in the history of the Republic for the first time in 7 consecutive years, was heading towards the eighth year. But as these headlines continue to be thrown our purchasing power does not say ‘stop’ to melting. We have prepared this simple article to show how our purchasing power has changed in recent months, without going too far. In our article, as the Webtekno team, the prices of some of the products we have purchased recently, when we bought it and its prices today. we listed. Come, let’s see which of us has invested the most (!)

Our team’s previous purchases VS current prices:

  • NOTE: To see the price difference, you can swipe the bar in the middle of the image to the right or left.

Let’s start with computers, computer components and peripherals:

The monitor, which was sold for 5,000 TL in June, was increased even before the price was raised properly (Samsung has not updated the price yet):

Mouse for 175 TL in March 2020:

100 TL keyboard of September 2020:

The 1,879 TL processor of September 2020 is now burning:

The 2,850 TL monitor of May 2020 almost doubled:

June’s 550 TL RAM, one thousand regrets:

A low spec laptop for today (even its previous price was not normal):

Situation with a recently purchased 3D printer:

So what about phone prices?

Huawei P40 Lite, which costs 2,900 TL in February:

Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro, which is 6,000 TL in April, makes people say ‘hoo’::

iPhone SE 2nd generation prices (Apple still hasn’t fully reflected the rise of the dollar rate):


Despite Raising Thousands of TL, Apple Makes Losses in Turkey! Here’s Why

399 TL in November 2018, how much is the watch in the same period of 2021?:

Let’s take a look at personal care and household items:

The price of the mixer bought recently played 400 TL:


The smart bulb, which costs 140 TL in March 2021, is not such a good option anymore:

Don’t miss the toaster too:

The situation is similar with smart vacuums:

Let’s take a look at regular vacuums:

Now shaving is also expensive:

Yep, that’s also 2x increased:

Let’s look at items and products in other categories:

Let’s see a product produced in Turkey:

Cat foods are among the products whose value has increased in the shortest time:

Frames from the application of the same store a few days apart:

Protein prices:

A little market tour (3 days in between):

Let’s go back to the domestic goods again, the pot costing 291 TL in May:

Even the pillow was valued more than 2 times:

BONUS: The only item on our list that hasn’t increased in price:

Do not forget to share your own examples.

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