Prediction For The Altcoin Everyone Has Been Waiting For: 173x It Could Do!

The airdrop event held by Arbitrum in March led crypto investors back to gem projects. The next major airdrop coins are Sui Network and zkSync. Today, the Sui Network team made an interesting 173x prediction about the altcoin price.

Sui Network team made a price prediction for the upcoming SUI token As we have reported, it is claimed that Sui Network will airdrop a very small portion of its supply, contrary to expectations. Sui is Layer-1 Blockchain that allows developers and manufacturers to make fast and economical transactions.

In a new tweet, the project team reported that the soon-to-go public SUI token will be traded on three major exchanges. According to the announcement, SUI will start its first sales on KuCoin, OKX and ByBit. The official release and main net date has been set as May 3. Sui Station, a popular Twitter account of Sui Network, determines the levels that the SUI price will reach after the launch, in the continuation of the announcement…

Altcoin team predicted: These levels in extreme bullish condition

According to Sui Station’s analysis, SUI will have a total supply of 10 billion tokens. Of these, 148 million were reserved for whitelist participants. The detailed token amount for the public sale is 450 million SUI.

For comparability, SUI’s total supply is 10 billion, compared to the $12 billion market cap of Aptos (APT) from previous successful airdrops. The result is an average cost of $1.2 for the SUI listing price. On the other hand, in comparison to the APT listing market cap, SUI’s $182.61 million is way ahead of SUI at $950 million.

As for the price predictions, the SUI team came up with three different scenarios:

  • Normal condition: $0.2
  • In the case of the bull: $1.2
  • In case of mega bull: $5.2

What is Sui Blockchain?

Sui is another Blockchain-based smart contract platform. It offers scalability and low latency for simple use cases. Sui makes most processes executable in parallel. This makes better use of processing resources and gives you the option to increase throughput by adding more resources.

Sui is also written in Rust. It supports smart contracts written in Sui Move to identify entities that can have an owner. Sui Move programs define transactions on these assets, including specific rules for their creation, transfer of these assets to new owners, and transactions that change assets.

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