Porsche Announces ‘Next Generation’ Headlight Technology

Porsche has announced its new generation headlight technology, which, in its own words, ‘turns night into day’. The technology includes micro-LEDs and pixels that can be controlled independently of each other.

The automobile industry has developed in recent years at a difficult rate to follow. While autonomous vehicles have now turned into vehicles that are considered normal, this development showed itself even in the headlight of the vehicle; headlights that illuminate according to the situation exited.

Today, an important announcement came from the German automobile giant Porsche regarding headlight technologies. Porsche, ‘next generation light technology‘ he announced he had developed. So what is this new technology?

Micro-LEDs and pixels, each individually controllable:

New technology developed by Porsche, each of which can be controlled independently of the other. To 16 thousand micro-LEDs gives place. According to Porcshe, the headlights can generate enough power to turn night into day even at a distance of 600 meters.

Even with this much power, the headlights can offer very efficient results in terms of energy consumption. The biggest reason behind this efficiency is each pixel only works when it is needed.


Speaking of pixels, this new technology includes a total of 32,768 controllable pixels per headlight. As a result, the headlights 1,400 lumens can produce light.


Of course, the new headlights will not only stand out with their brightness. The headlights will have advanced versions of many features such as lane lighting, adaptive short-long adjustments and oncoming vehicle detection.

Innovative technology obtained with 25 patents, Porsche will launch with different designs in new models will appear.


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