Popular Analyst Shared 10x Expected Altcoins In December!

Analyst Austin Arnold from the popular crypto youtube channel Altcoin Daily shared with his followers 7 altcoins that he thinks have the potential to do 10x in the last month of 2021.

Ardana (DANA)

Ardana (DANA) was ranked first in the list of analysts. The analyst said that Ardana will build a bridge for asset transfer between Cardano and NEAR as part of its partnership with the Near protocol.

“The collaboration will help both organizations explore new growth avenues in the burgeoning blockchain technology ecosystem and will prove to be a milestone for blockchain scalability in the future.”

Audius (AUDIO)

Audius (AUDIO), a decentralized music sharing and streaming protocol, ranked 2nd on the list.

The analyst noted that Audius has recently announced a major innovation where users can showcase their NFTs located on Ethereum and Solana on Twitter, Discord and other websites, noting that Audius has taken a big step towards bringing NFTs into the mainstream.

Celsius (CEL)

Celsius (CEL), a banking and financial services platform, ranked 3rd on the list.

Referring to the fact that cryptocurrency lender Celsius has invested $ 500 million in Bitcoin mining, the analyst said, “Celsius is just one of many non-mining companies interested in this trend.” said.

Mina Protocol (MINA)

4th on the list is Mina Protocol (MINA), a minimal “concise blockchain” built to run DApps more efficiently.

Modify (MOD)

5th on the list is Modefi (MOD), a project that develops Oracle blockchain solutions that empower truly decentralization of data on-chain for integration via smart contracts.

For Analyst Modefi, “As an oracle solution, it can be compared to Chainlink, but it is definitely different and greatly differentiates itself, especially with the decentralized bulk oracle solution, the on-demand oracle feature, and the Oracle marketplace.” said.

OriginTrail (TRAC)

6th on the list is OriginTrail (TRAC), the world’s first decentralized infographic.

The analyst said that OriginTrail will soon be one of the parachain projects that will go up for auction in the Polkadot ecosystem.

Rarible (RARI)

Last of the list. followed by Rarible (RARI), an NFT marketplace and regulation platform.

The analyst noted that Rarible has recently announced the launch of the Rarible Messenger feature to engage NFT creators with the community.

“Rarible Messenger is also the most user-friendly way to connect with anyone via the blockchain, allowing users to communicate by entering each other’s wallet addresses.”

*Not Investment Advice.

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