Polkadot’s Fourth Auction Winner Announced

Parallel Finance was the fourth winner of the auctions organized by Polkadot to give the projects the right to lease space on the parachain.

At the fourth auction held at Parallel Finance, the value is approx. $284 million corresponding 10.7 million DOT collected and was the winner of the auction.

Users who lock DOT to Parallel Finance project during the auction, per 1 DOT 25 MONEY tokens will be rewarded with The project, which progressed with the first place throughout the auction, achieved a result that did not surprise the users.

The first of the auctions organized by Polkadot Acala, the second moonbeam, the third Liner had won. 5. If the auction on December 9 started and on 16 december it will end.

The approach has so far collected 104 million DOTs worth a total of $2.7 billion in the auction processes.

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