Personal Information May Be Removed From Google Search Results

Google has added new information for reference to the tool, which allows pages with various personal information to be removed from search results. Users will now be able to request that pages containing information such as phone numbers and addresses be removed from their search history.

Nowadays, when we can find almost any information on the Internet, we, as users, entrust our security to a company’s servers by entering our most private information on various official or private sites. Moreover, information such as address, phone number and password that we provide to some sites may appear directly in the search results when you search on Google.

Today, Google introduced its new measure aimed at preventing this. Google, which has received requests to prevent URLs containing information such as credit card, bank account information, hand signature, official records and ID number from appearing in search results, added new ones to this information.

ID photo, phone, address, etc. links with information may be removed from Google

Now in search results with Google’s new feature where your ID photo, address, phone number, e-mail address and login information appear You will be able to send a request to remove website addresses from search results. Alongside these requests, Google will begin removing links to sites with ‘exposed or private personal images without consent’, ‘pornographic deepfakes or Photoshops containing your likeness’.

You can create your request according to the relevant category by clicking this link to request the removal of the URLs in question appearing in Google’s search results. Of course, the removal of this information from the search results, the information from the internet. Doesn’t mean it’s completely deleted.. Only the link to the page where the information appears is removed from the search results. Thus, unless you log in directly to those sites, it is not possible to see which sites the information is located on.


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