Perseverance Filled 10 Sample Tubes on Mars!

NASA’s Mars explorer Perseverance has successfully completed its mission, attempting to fill 10 tubes with samples. Samples collected in a crater will be brought back to Earth and studied in the 2030s.

It was sent to Mars by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and has been conducting research on the Red Planet for about a year. perseverancecompleted an important milestone. In the statements made by NASA, it was announced that the Mars explorer had successfully filled 10 sample tubes containing samples. These examples are in the 2030s It will be brought back to Earth and studied by scientists.

As a matter of fact, various collections collected by Perseverance made of rocks. So it’s not very exciting. Scientists will have studied igneous and sedimentary rocks when the tubes come to Earth. However, the main issue here is that the rock samples were collected from the “Jezero” crater on Mars. As a result of the examinations to be made, Mars was discovered many years ago. whether you have water will provide understanding.

Each sample collected has a unique name.

NASA to all test tubes filled by Perseverance gave special names. In this context; between the tubes we see names such as “Mageik”, “Montdenier”, “Atsah” and “Skyland”. Along with this, a sketch of the path traveled during the mission was also shared. The photo above is showing the sketch.


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NASA also sent “witness tubes” so as not to leave anything to chance.


*Selfie taken by Perseverance.

Perseverance was produced on Earth and sent to Mars with materials produced on Earth. Aware of this, NASA has sent an extra five “witness tube“These witness tubes are just like the original sample tubes, but with one key difference. The Witness tubes are filled with materials contaminated by Earth to the Mars explorer, and gas and other chemicals that may be released during Perseverance’s descent.”contaminated“. Witness tubes, which were kept in the environment during sample collection, just like collection tubes, will be examined when they return to Earth and the substances on them will be detected. Experts will accept that the sample tube is contaminated if they find similar substances in real tubes.

The real adventure begins now!


*Photo of the last sample tube on Mars.

Perseverance dropped the sample tubes on the Martian surface and will continue its journey on the Red Planet. NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA)Mars Sample Returnwill work collaboratively on a new Mars mission called ” to bring sample tubes back to Earth will make an effort. The easiest thing in this task will be where the samples are located. In the previous parts of our news, we stated that the sketch of the places where the samples were collected was shared.


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If everything goes right, in 2027 We will witness the orbiter that will be launched to Mars and the spacecraft that will land on Mars in 2028. This vehicle, which will travel on Mars and collect samples, in 2033 He is expected to return to Earth. However, it is not possible to predict what will happen in this process.

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