PEPE, LINK Whales Are Selling These 5 Altcoins!

We continue to follow whale movements closely. In the world of Bitcoin and altcoins, there are whales that investors follow. Let’s see what they did?

Whales are moving to which altcoin selection

According to Lookonchain data, a certain whale address related to the Compound team deposited 20,000 COMP on Coinbase 2 hours ago. The amount corresponds to exactly 1.5 million dollars. The whale also currently has 402,462 COMP in its wallet. This corresponds to approximately $29.8 million.

On the other hand, according to Spot on Chain data, it is among the highlights that a whale sold PEPE 4 hours ago. Accordingly, the sale was realized at an average price of 0.0000001528 USD. 333.8 billion PEPE units sold. Accordingly, it was exchanged for $ 510,000. The whale still has 4.1 trillion PEPEs.

Whale movements are not limited to the above

a16z recently transferred a total of 12864 MKR to Coinbase. Accordingly, he transferred 6900 MKR to a new address 6 hours ago. According to Lookonchain data, a16z has recently been reducing MKR holdings via Coinbase. Meanwhile, another institution, CMS Holdings, is also reducing its MKR holdings. The data shows that address a16z (0x0517) deposited a total of 12,864 MKR via an address starting with “0xd520”. In terms of numbers, it is approximately 12.6 million dollars.

ConsenSys, on the other hand, is selling its 15,000 RPL tokens for around 480,000 USDC. According to Spot On Chain data, ConsenSys sold 15,350 RPL tokens for 477,940 USDC 6 hours ago. ConsenSys obtained these RPL tokens as a reward from the Oracle DAO from December 21, 2021 to July 1, 2023. He also sold them all during the price drop last week.

Two whales buy altcoin LINK

Two cryptocurrency whales bought a significant amount of Chainlink (LINK). LINK price rose 15%. On July 20, two whales purchased 788,877 Chainlink (LINK) tokens. For this, he traded 3,146 staked ethereum (stETH) and ethereum (ETH) tokens worth $5.72 million. The two whales with wallet addresses 0x8b9 and 0x362 acted as a single entity, apparently to perform an important token exchange.


This purchase was made at an average price of $7.25 per LINK token. The scale and strategic timing of this exchange has sparked intrigue and speculation in the crypto community. The price of Chainlink (LINK) has increased by 15% in the last 24 hours, reaching $8.12.

XRP movement from the whale

The whale with the code “0x8456” pulled 2 million XRP from Binance. Accordingly, it made an unrealized profit of approximately $640,000. According to Lookonchain data, BlockBeats reported that a whale with an address starting with 0x8456 pulled 563,571 XRP (about $462,000 worth) from Binance again yesterday.


The total amount withdrawn from Binance by this whale has reached 2 million XRP. Its numerical equivalent is worth about $1.66 million. Also, the average withdrawal price was $0.51. Current unrealized profit stands at about $640,000.

COMP sales

The whale address, which started with 0x355, which accumulated coins earlier this year, sold some COMP for an average price of around $72. On-chain data analyst Yu Jin provided information on the subject. Accordingly, he stated that earlier this year, whale address 0x355, which had accumulated large amounts of ETH, COMP, AAVE, and UNI, sold COMP. The sale took place at an average price of $72.44. Exactly 4,000 coins sold.


Whale address reportedly pulled 86,976 from Binance earlier this year for an average price of $40.24. When we look at it as a whole, the numerical equivalent of COMP is worth approximately 3.5 million dollars.

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