“Pensioners in Turkey According to ChatGPT” Image Became Trending

The visual, shared with the description “Pensioners in Turkey according to ChatGPT”, became a trending topic on social media. So why did ChatGPT portray retirees in Turkey as happy-go-lucky, partying people? We share the truth with examples and ChatGPT’s explanation…

AI tools have become much more popular, especially since ChatGPT became publicly available, and new AI-generated content goes viral almost every day. This is the biggest problem with viral content. Many people still do not fully understand the working logic of generative artificial intelligence. due to misinterpretation of the outputs.

Today, a new image with the description “Pensioners in Turkey according to ChatGPT” went viral on social media and attracted reaction due to its content. In the image, our retirees(!) are seen enjoying cocktails and enjoying themselves in a luxurious place by the sea. Alright According to ChatGPT, are retirees in Turkey really like this? and why might ChatGPT have created such an image?

ChatGPT’s “Pensioners in Turkey” visual, which is trending on social media

First of all, we need to remember that artificial intelligence does not analyze the texts we write like a real person. When we said to the new ChatGPT “Draw retirees in Turkey”, ChatGPT said, He does not “consider” pensions, living standards or complaints and draw accordingly. It combines the elderly people that come to our mind when we say “retired”, with the elements that come to our mind when we say “Turkey”.

When we asked ChatGPT to draw retirees in Turkey, we got the following result:

Retirees in Turkey according to ChatGPT

That’s why, as you can see in the image above, I asked ChatGPT, “Can you draw retirees in Turkey?” When we say this, we draw uncles and aunts drinking tea by the Bosphorus. “Can you draw pensioners in England?” If we had said so, he would have drawn the same uncles and aunts drinking milk tea in famous places in England. For example, when we tell ChatGPT that we do not find its first drawing above “realistic”, ChatGPT presents the more realistic drawing below. The difference is visual more items specific to Turkey(!) having been added.

When we asked ChatGPT to draw retirees in Turkey more realistically, it gave the following result:

Retirees in Turkey according to ChatGPT

If you have noticed, ChatGPT always supports retirees in Turkey. bearded, modestly dressed, happy people It portrays as. When we asked ChatGPT why, it gave the following answer:

“The depiction of retirees in the drawings as generally bearded, modestly dressed and happy may have been chosen to reflect a general representation. These choices may be based on a variety of factors:
Cultural Representation: Since Turkey is a country with diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, retirees’ clothing styles can cover a wide range. Covered clothing is more common in some regions and traditional communities of Turkey. This may reflect the cultural diversity of the country.
General Characteristics of the Age Group: Bearded men can be seen as a symbol of dignity and maturity, depending on their age. This may be a cultural trait, especially among individuals of retirement age.
Happiness: Retirement symbolizes a more comfortable phase of life for many people. Therefore, retirees can often devote more time to social interactions, hobby activities, and personal interests. This can lead to them being portrayed as happy and satisfied.
However, these depictions are only generalizations and are not representative of all individuals or situations. In reality, retirees vary greatly in their appearance, personality, and lifestyle. “While the illustrations attempt to reflect a variety of interactions and situations, they may not encompass everyone’s experience.”

ChatGPT does not draw images that match the real world. It draws whatever you command.

As you can understand from this statement, ChatGPT does not analyze the words “retirees in Turkey” as a whole, but rather considers the terms “retirees” and “Turkey” separately and analyzes the terms “retirees in Turkey”. combines drawing definitions in a way that brings the two together. So let’s ask this question; Why are retirees in Turkey depicted as stylishly dressed and partying in the viral image?

ChatGPT is not a source of information. We don’t have to accept the results as true

Retirees in Turkey according to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is not a search engine like Google or an information source like Wikipedia. ChatGPT only tries to draw images that best match the commands you enter and has no intention of making these images accurate or real. If you enter the relevant command, ChatGPT will contact everyone in Turkey. red haired black people or gigantic slanted eyes You can also draw them as people. Therefore, if the person at the keyboard entered a manipulative command into ChatGPT, ChatGPT may have portrayed retirees in Turkey as stylishly dressed, in good spirits and partying in accordance with this command.

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