Pay Attention To These 3 Dates!

Gold and Money Markets Specialist İslam Memiş warned that “there may be manipulation” by drawing attention to 3 events that will take place this month. We provide details as…

Gold and Money Markets Expert drew attention to these dates

While gold and dollar prices entered 2022 with an increase, expert name Islam Memiş talked about 3 events that will take place in January and drew attention to the possibility of manipulation in these dates. Sharing his comments on the rise of gold and the dollar in the new year, Memiş attributed this increase to “investors experiencing indecision”. Memiş said that the reason behind his desire to close the year above $1,800 an ounce of gold was the pricing of the undecided. He stated that these investors will decide to buy or sell after the US Federal Reserve (FED) decisions.

Gold and Money Markets Specialist Islam Memiş also warned this month that “there may be manipulation” in 3 critical dates. The first of these dates is January 3. Inflation data will be released on January 3rd. Second, January 20. On January 20, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) will announce its interest rate decision. The third is January 25th. On January 25, the Fed will hold its first meeting of 2022. According to İslam Memiş, some people may want to manipulate the market by using these three dates when important economic decisions will be taken. In addition, the expert emphasizes that the floating rate will continue throughout the busy January, and that both the decrease and the increase are temporary. It indicates that the market will continue on its way, fluctuating in the broadband range.

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