Partnered with Shiba Inu?

A recent tweet from Microsoft has the popular meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) community intrigued. The tweet in question by Microsoft, one of the largest technology companies, became viral as soon as it was published. SHIB’s lead developer, Shytoshi Kusama, also tweeted about Microsoft and talked about the latest developments. We convey the details as…

There are speculations that a Shiba Inu tweet is coming from Microsoft

In fact, Shiba Inu is not even mentioned in Microsoft’s tweet. “There are two kinds of dogs at Teams meetings,” tweeted Thursday. The tweet caught the attention of the SHIB community as soon as it went live, and they wondered if it was a meme coin reference. After the tweet in question, even SHIB’s lead developer, Shytoshi Kusama, made a post about Microsoft.

In Shytoshi’s tweet, news about a recent purchase by Microsoft was shared. In late January, Microsoft announced its plans to buy Activision Blizzard for $95 per share, putting the deal at a massive $68.7 billion. The deal will make Microsoft the “third-largest” gaming company and put games like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft and Candy Crush under the company’s wing. Microsoft plans to add Activision Blizzard games to Game Pass as part of the deal. This is expected to be one of the most significant sales in the history of the video game industry.

According to some, the deal also establishes a solid connection between Microsoft and Shiba Inu (SHIB), as Shiba Inu has hired Activision Blizzard’s former VP Tech WilliamVolk to consult on the play-to-win NFT game. According to some in the SHIB community, Shytoshi Kusama’s tweet about Microsoft-Activision Blizzard’s deal allegedly signals that perhaps something big is coming for the Shiba Inu (SHIB) in the future. However, it should be noted that there is no basis behind them. Meanwhile, the team behind SHIB, which is trading at $0.00003118, is expected to announce its metaverse project soon.

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