Our Brain Tries to Predict the Future While Sleeping

According to a new study, our brain doesn’t just organize our memories during sleep. He also tries to predict the future.

When we go to sleep, the activities in our brain do not end, instead different functions is fulfilled. For example, our memory organizes itself, transforms what we experience into memories and records it. According to a new study, our brain also looks ahead and considers the work we are going to do.

Researchers from the University of Michigan studied signals in the brains of mice in states of sleep and wakefulness examined. The brain activities of the mice before participating in the tests in the mazes, in the maze and after leaving the maze were examined, and the collected data were compared with the brain activities of the mice at rest.

Neurons don’t just organize memories

From researchers at the University of Michigan Anesthesiologist Kamran Diba,We overcame this challenge by correlating the activity of each individual neuron with the activity of other neurons. “Being able to monitor the preferences of neurons even without a stimulus was an important breakthrough for us.” he said.

With the new approach, you can view physical spaces in real time. certain neuron activities In addition to correlating it with mice, it enabled them to map neuron activity even while the mice were sleeping. This made spatial tuning studies possible, examining how neuron activity is coupled to specific locations.

According to researchers, these activities during sleep affect the minds of mice. almost for the second time They put the mice in the maze and when they returned to the maze, the mice were more successful. “It’s not necessarily the case that in sleep all these neurons do is fixate the memory of the experience. It turns out that some neurons start doing something else,” neuroscientist Caleb Kamere said. he said.

Research Nature It was published in the magazine.


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