Opera Partners with Solana

Opera, a web browser that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems developed by Opera Software, is partnering with Solana Labs.

Opera, which has web3 support and a built-in cryptocurrency wallet in both mobile and desktop browsers since 2018. will add Solana to its in-house wallet, and with this step, it will provide compatibility with dApps.

The article published on the official website of Opera: “Opera will offer its hundreds of millions of users direct access to Solana. Solana will first be integrated into Opera’s Android app.” it was said.

Susie Batt, leader of Opera’s crypto ecosystem: “BNo other browser company got involved with web3 as early as Opera.” said.

On the Solana network, very low transaction fees are charged for the transfer. Also, the network includes Serum, Raydium, Metaplex, Orca, Audius and increasingly It has a growing dApp ecosystem.

Opera shared on official Twitter. in the shipment for users:

of 2022 with the wallet that will be accessible via Opera in the first quarter wither Along with low fees and fast transactions within its ecosystem, they will enable Solana to enjoy seamless access to dApps.


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