OpenAI Trained an AI to Play Minecraft

OpenAI, which previously appeared with artificial intelligence such as Dall-E, this time trained the artificial intelligence to play Minecraft using 70,000 hours of online gameplay video.

Especially converting written sentences into visuals Dall-E attracting attention with OpenAI’s He has many projects based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. In one of these projects, the AI ​​learned to play Minecraft by watching gameplay videos online.

almost out it’s been 10 years Although the ability of artificial intelligence to build something in a sandbox game may not seem like a big deal at first glance, it actually presents us with some important facts.

Can AI play Minecraft?

Minecraft is a game that can trigger people’s creativity in very interesting ways. There are people who can build a computer within the game and play Minecraft on that computer. This shows how the game offers us an unlimited world. OpenAI artificial intelligence also uses the videos of the players to train its artificial intelligence, which will take advantage of this freedom and the freedom that the game brings. The result is an AI that learns to play Minecraft and succeeds. 70 thousand hours Artificial intelligence trained with gameplay video actually shows how well machine learning has come in terms of observing and imitating.

Under normal circumstances, artificial intelligence in a supervised manner Training requires a very serious workforce. This workforce is used to tag structures in videos and images and help AI understand what’s what. Video Pre-Training (VPT), ​​the method used by the OpenAI team to overcome this problem, helps to significantly reduce this workload. By tagging 2000 hours of video, the OpenAI team has turned to another AI. 30 thousand hours makes the process faster and easier by tagging the video.

In this study, you can train artificial intelligence with videos. how effective it can be is showing. Videos on platforms such as YouTube pave the way for customizing artificial intelligence for thousands of different studies.


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