Only O 2 Altcoins Fly While Whole Market Collapses!

Bitcoin (BTC) has been struggling to stay above $47,500 since the December 4 crash that wiped out $840 million in leveraged long positions. This downward move comes after the emergence of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus and recent data showing that US inflation has reached the highest level in the last 40 years. At the time of writing, BTC is trading at $48,773 and is down 1.2 percent. Other major cryptocurrencies are also showing negative price action. Meanwhile, 2 altcoins are showing upward movement.

2 altcoins named ROSE and REV are challenging the market

Looking at the top 100 coins by market capitalization on CoinMarketCap, Revain (REV) and Oasis Network (ROSE) have increased by 43.52 percent and 23.30 percent, respectively, in the last 24 hours. Revain (REV) is an online platform for Ethereum Blockchain-based token reviews designed to enable developers to receive constructive feedback on their projects. As we have also reported, REV recently made an update to the network. After the update, the platform gained speed. In addition, it was signaled that efforts will be made for each author to write unlimited reviews per day.

Another top coin of the day, Oasis Network (ROSE) is a privacy-focused layer 1 Blockchain built for open finance and a responsible data economy using the Cosmos SDK. Behind the rise of ROSE are the latest developments in the network. According to the latest updates, improvements have been made to wallets on the network, Emerald ParaTime has been released, where ROSE will be used for gas fees. Also Wormhole bridge integration started.

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