One of the Biggest Whales on the Market Bought From These 6 Altcoin Projects!

A massive Ethereum wallet tracked by whale detective WhaleStats bought from 6 altcoin projects in the early hours of January 19. The striking point in the transactions is that the investments are focused on metaverse coins. Let’s take a look at the prominent whale transfers of the day…

Third largest ETH whale buys these altcoin projects

The two largest whales on the Ethereum network are “Itachi” and “Naruto” respectively. As we covered in their analysis, these whales allocate 99% of their portfolios to Ethereum in the current market correction, which indicates that major players prefer to avoid risk during the correction. The transactions of the day were carried out by the 3rd largest ETH whale “Light”. WhaleStats reports the following amounts of altcoins have been purchased:

A total of $14.1 million was spent:

  • 642,999 Decentraland (MANAs) worth $1.8 billion.
  • Light also made its first purchase with 426,000 SAND. He then made an additional purchase of $8 million.
  • Purchased 3,090,000 Covalents (CQTs) worth $2 million.
  • Gala (GALA), which has exceeded $ 1.1 million in recent transactions, continues to accumulate.
  • Whale has previously purchased more than $2.45 million of OMG (399,999) tokens.
  • He also spent $25,170,000 on oracle platform Chainlink (LINK).

According to WhaleStats data, the altcoin portfolio of the whale named “Light” exceeds $4.3 billion.

Recent price movements of metaverse coins

Ethereum-based metaverse project Decentraland (MANA) has increased its weekly loss over 8% as Bitcoin lost the $43,000 region again. Covalent (CQT) fell 5% on Jan. 19, while the price of popular projects The Sandbox (SAND) dropped more than 15% in the last 7 days. Light’s other stock, Chainlink (LINK), has lost nearly 20% compared to last week.

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