NVIDIA Users At Risk After Hacking

NVIDIA, one of the world’s largest video card manufacturers, suffered a cyber attack last week. Although NVIDIA announced that user data was not stolen, it turned out to be a bigger problem.

Last week, NVIDIA confirmed that there was an attack, even though it claimed that none of its customers’ information was compromised, and we have conveyed this to you. Hackers are killing NVIDIA if they don’t unlock some of the most powerful graphics cards for cryptocurrency mining. threatening to release sensitive corporate data normal users didn’t have to worry too much, even though it made some very strange requests.

At least it seemed so, but that turned out not to be the case. After the attack, we witnessed one of the first effects on users. Inside malware NVIDIA GPU driver packages are available for users to download.

You might be downloading malware because I’m downloading an NVIDIA driver

Malicious people began posting links that acted as drives in hopes of installing viruses, trojans, and other malicious software on a user’s computer. This means that hackers, leaked NVIDIA’s official code signing certificates.

When users download these files, Bypassing Windows Defender’s built-in executable verification and leaving anti-virus software behind a number of popular files containing the malware package they download it to their computer.


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While it is possible to prevent the installation of packages with expired codes using Windows Defender, this is not an issue for everyone. For regular users looking for the latest video card drivers (or any drivers), our advice is to simply download from official source your attention. You can use NVIDIA’s own site or the GeForce Experience application for this.

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