Nvidia may stop buying semiconductor maker ARM

A new development took place in the $40 billion chip deal that Nvidia, one of the successful players in the graphics card industry, made in the past years and made an impact all over the world. Allegedly, the company is preparing to break the deal for many reasons, including investigations for alleged monopoly and intense pressure from its competitors.

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Nvidia may stop buying ARM

As it will be remembered, Nvidia announced on September 13, 2020 that it would buy the UK-based semiconductor manufacturer ARM for $ 40 billion. currently AMD, Intel, Qualcomm, Apple, Nvidia and Samsung The fact that ARM, which designs chipsets for giants such as ARM, will be transferred to Nvidia, caused the reaction of many companies, especially its rival AMD.

After the two companies announced the deal UK Competition and Markets Authority Regulatory authorities such as the United States launched an investigation into the purchase, with the thought that this could lead to monopoly. Even Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk was involved in the event. NVIDIA-ARM He stated that he had competition concerns about the deal.

Nvidia’s plan for the first place is that the acquisition March 2022It was in the direction of making it official until . However, numerous monopoly investigations from regulators and opposition from rival companies caused the company to deviate from the timeline for the acquisition.

According to Bloomberg, Nvidia has been considering giving up buying ARM for a while. Even the current owner of ARM is based in Japan SoftBank And since it realizes that the deal will not be made official, it is preparing to go public very soon instead of selling the company. Of course, it should be noted that for now, this situation is only a claim and it would be healthier to wait for the official announcement from the companies.

So what do you think about this subject? Do you think the $40 billion ARM deal between Nvidia and SoftBank will break down as claimed? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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